OPINION (Charisma) – Did you know President Donald Trump was born in 1946 during a blood moon? And did you know the latest blood moon occurred on Jan. 20-21, 2019—the midpoint of Trump’s first term in office? An amazing video by Australian pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains these blood moons thoroughly. In a little over a month, that video has garnered over 1 million views. Cioccolanti’s video so fascinated me that I asked to interview him on my podcast about the prophetic connection between Trump and these blood moons.

Cioccolanti sees such a significant connection between Trump’s presidency and these lunar eclipses that he’s actually started calling them “Trump blood moons.” He says we as Christians must not pursue astrology, but God certainly uses astronomical signs at times to confirm prophecy, such as how the Star of Bethlehem confirmed the prophesied Messiah’s birth. Cioccolanti, of course, doesn’t compare Trump to Jesus Christ, but he does find it interesting that a total lunar eclipse occurred on the day Trump was born: Friday, June 14, 1946. READ MORE
