(CBN News) – “The ultimate purpose was to say that while the culture may change, the Bible does not,” Hoke told SF Gate. “The culture is now demanding that we call ‘good’ what the Bible calls evil.” The message immediately sparked protests among members of the community. A number of demonstrators gathered outside the church for the first ever “Shastina Love Rally,” which condemned the sign and praised the LGBT community.

“We’ve really had to refine our message to be one strictly of love and support for anyone who feels like they are the target of the sign,” Amelia Mallory, one of three women who organized the rally, told SF Gate. “Debating religion is unproductive, for one, and we also don’t want anyone to feel like we are against Christianity as a whole. People are welcome to their own beliefs but can’t be surprised if people take action against such a public display.” It wasn’t long until someone vandalized the sign. READ MORE
