(Charisma) – As an observer and participant in the broader body of Christ since 1978, I have heard many things communicated that I deem unbiblical. Many of these teachings are so commonly believed or assumed that the average Christian embraces them without examining the Scriptures. The following are some of the more common erroneous beliefs:

1. Salvation and a decision for Christ at an altar are the same.

One of the most common misconceptions I have observed in the church today is the fact that folks think that if a person repeats “the sinner’s prayer” or responds to an altar call, they are “saved.” This is problematic, since we may be giving false hope to the respondent by reassuring them of their salvation, when in fact they may not really be saved. Get Spirit-filled content delivered right to your inbox! Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. Also, nowhere in the Bible does it say that merely saying words ensures salvation. Furthermore, the altar call is a modern development in the evangelical church that arose out of the methodology employed by evangelists who appealed to the masses to come to the altar to receive Christ (or to “walk up the sawdust trail).


Though there is nothing wrong with this approach that identifies those who want to give their life to Christ (so people can get their names, pray with them and follow them up), it is not the same as salvation. Scripture is clear that both the heart and the mouth have to confess Jesus is Lord (see Rom.10:9-10), and Paul the apostle regularly echoed the word of John the Baptist when he said to bring forth fruit proving your repentance (see Acts 26:20, Matt. 3:8). Hence, making an emotionally motivated “decision” to ask Jesus in your life is a good step, but a truly converted person will bear fruit, proving they really gave their life over to Jesus. READ MORE