(Charisma News) In the early days of our ministry, a well-known witch attended services in the church Sue and I were planting and leading in eastern Canada. Several people came to me concerned about the presence of this witch. They wondered if she was trying to work some spell or sorcery on our fledgling congregation. Several of us met together to pray about the situation. While praying I saw a vision of smoke (representing the devil) and then a wind (representing the Spirit of God) that came along and blew the smoke away.

The smoke had no substance or strength with which to resist the wind. It was suddenly gone. At the very same time, another person saw a similar vision and then a powerful, prophetic word came forth that gave me a new perspective on the devil. God said, “My power is so far surpassing any power possessed by the devil; he is not worthy of the attention you are giving him.”When it comes to spiritual warfare, we must realize that there was a tremendous shift that took place at the cross, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Satan was not annihilated, but he was stripped of his authority. He is like a five-star general who is court-martialed, stripped of his authority and drummed out of the army. READ MORE
