Imagine if you were famous in hell. Demons gathered to discuss your name. The devil thought of you on a daily basis. Would that make you feel good? Internationally renowned author and theologian R. T. Kendall says it should in his new book Popular in Heaven, Famous in Hell (Sept. 4, 2018). Kendall cites Acts 19:15b (NIV) when the demon said to the imposter, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know.” “That the demons would affirm Paul like this tells you all you need to know about Paul,” Kendall says.

“If the devil hates Paul, that is the highest recommendation Paul could get!” Popular in Heaven, Famous in Hell lays out two qualifications for being famous in hell. But Kendall goes further to say how being a threat to Satan’s interests is not enough. You need to be popular in heaven. You need to base your decisions on what God thinks of you—even if it means risking your reputation on earth. CONTINUE
