According to a new Gallup survey released this week, 43 percent of Americans now consider pornography to be “morally acceptable,” a seven percent spike from last year and the highest level since Gallup’s Values and Beliefs survey began in 2011.  The 2018 survey notes, “Compared with a number of demographic traits or characteristics that help shape a person’s moral perceptions of pornography —including gender, age, the importance of religion in one’s life and marital status—two subgroups saw a big year-over-year spike in their acceptance of pornography.

These are nonmarried individuals and men aged 18 to 49.” The percentage of nonmarried respondents who find pornography morally acceptable was 50 percent, an increase of 15 percent. Married individuals accepting pornography was at 35 percent. Gallup reports 67 percent of men aged 18 to 49 said pornography is morally acceptable, up 14 points from 2017. But women’s age categories also revealed higher percentages. Women aged 18 to 49 showed a four-point increase and women 50-and-over jumped seven points. READ MORE
