In anticipation of the release of emergency recovery funds in the wake of Monday night’s battering hail storms, the Cullman County Commission approved a declaration of emergency Tuesday at a specially-called meeting.  The commission’s declaration of emergency follows Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s emergency declaration for North Alabama counties affected by the storms, which dropped grapefruit-

sized hail over portions of Cullman County and wrought extensive property damage. Commissioners and department heads will have a better idea of the storm’s financial impact once insurance assessors have surveyed the damage. The Cullman County Sheriff’s Office sustained damage to at least 20 vehicles, as well as significant damage to the roof, nine air conditioning units mounted on the rooftop, and exterior siding and fireproofing insulation at its Beech Avenue headquarters, including the newly-built Training Center, as well as the Cullman County Detention Center. READ MORE
