(By Jeff Roberts) Most of us are familiar with the information Jesus shared with Peter, James, John and Andrew (Peter’s brother) on the Mount of Olives often referred to as the Olivette Discourse. Christ is sharing with the Apostles what would be the sign of his return and the “end of days” mentioned in:

· Matthew 24, 25 · Mark 13 · Luke 21-22

Matthew took shorthand because he was a tax collector so what he wrote is almost verbatim. One of the signs Jesus uses to illustrate the signs of his coming is the “Days of Noah”. Before He starts off describing the signs of His coming He issues a dire warning and command, He says “take heed that no man deceive you”. Most people take this passage for granted and prevents many Bible-believing Christians from having a strong understanding of what the “Days of Noah and Lot” were about.


This is because Lucifer doesn’t want people to understand the times in which we live. Many, including great scholars, view this is a time of unprecedented sinfulness which it is without a doubt. If this were truly the case then why are we still here? Many believe that we are living in the “Days of Noah and Lot” now. Failure to understand what the “Days of Noah” were about it will inhibit your ability to truly understand much of what the Old and New Testament was really about. In order to truly grasp what this period was like we need to look at what the scripture says in its original context and its original language.

It’s important to know that the Old Testament was translated into the common (koine) Greek language by Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt between (285-246 BC). This translation is known as the Septuagint meaning 70 (LXX) which the High Priest of Jerusalem was ordered to translate the Bible in which he commissioned six elders from each of the twelve tribes (72) to translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek. The purpose of this was because that was the common language everyone spoke at the time. Greek was extremely precise language. Every verb is required to fit 5 conditions.

There is also a misconception when it comes to books that are outside what many refer to as canonized scripture. Many Biblical scholars throughout history including the prophets and writers in the Old Testament as well as the prophets were keenly aware of other text and writings that were around in their time as well as other cultural beliefs and sacred text and have often cited sources outside the Bible especially in commentaries. You will find the older the commentary the more accurate it will be. The Bible itself refers to the books of Jasher and Jubilees as go to sources and Jude quotes the Book of Enoch. There were also Jewish historians like Josephus Flavious, that provide further insight into a myriad of topics. I would equate this today as when we reference books today from such authors Jonathan Cahn, Chuck Missler or Perry Stone books. Just because they are not inspired doesn’t mean they are useless or fiction.  This series will continue