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Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a well-known Israeli mystic leader, made a remarkable statement last Sunday predicting that the identity of the Messiah would be revealed in the very near future, even giving specific details on how the revelation would occur. “Messiah is at work right now,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said in a sermon. “Jews, be happy! Very soon, the Messiah will be revealed to everyone!” The rabbi went into detail, explaining how this would come about. “The Holy One, Blessed be He, will come to the rabbis in a

dream with a vision and inform them of whom He has chosen for the King Messiah,” predicted Rabbi Ben Artzi. “The Creator will write to them exactly, whom He has chosen as King Messiah.” This singular revelation was accompanied by details. “There will be a yellow card and holy letters inscribed on a parchment like a Torah scroll, where they will be told in Aramaic who is King Messiah,” the rabbi continued. Aramaic is no longer spoken, but it is the language of the Talmud (oral law). “Then, they will have no choice and they will recognize the King Messiah. READ MORE
