You may have seen them–brown, flat bugs crawling around your door and window frames. They’re stink bugs and bug experts say if you see a few now, you can expect many more as fall goes on. They’re brown and big, according to Ellen Zinsmeister, who had one in her bathtub. “Actually my daughter saw it. Who’s an adult, this is her son and she came running to get her dad,” Zinsmeister said. The creepy crawlers are brown marmorated stink bugs. If you’re seeing them now get ready. “There will be more

and more as we get through October into November,” said Doug Taron, entomologist and chief curator at Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. “Unfortunately for the near term I would expect numbers will be going up.” He says stink bugs came to North America 20 years ago from Asia. They’re harmless to humans, but this year the pests are more prevalent. READ MORE

