Hurricane Maria damaged or destroyed approximately 3,000 churches in Puerto Rico and earthquakes did the same for another 1,000 in Mexico. That’s the latest from the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) which oversees 40,000 affiliate churches in the U.S. and connects with other Latino churches around the world. Rev. Tony Suarez, NHCLC executive vice president, says it’s a

huge loss for thousands of congregations, amidst all the struggles on the U.S. island right now. “I think about those pastors who have given their all to lift up and plant a church and now buildings are gone,” Suarez told CBN News on Facebook Live. Still, Suarez said churches in Puerto Rico and Mexico are serving as focal points for their communities in the midst of devastation. Most people on Puerto Rico have no electricity and the majority of them are struggling to find clean drinking water and food. READ MORE
