(By Dr. Michael Brown) In the course of one short week, America witnessed an extremely unique solar eclipse and then watched the state of Texas get hit with a catastrophic hurricane. Is God trying to get our attention, or is it foolish (and even dangerous) to speculate like this? On the one hand, we have not had a similar eclipse in America since 1776, as it’s the first total eclipse visible only in the USA since the year of our founding. That is certainly striking.

And, when the path of the next solar eclipse, which is expected in 2024, is charted on a map, it intersects with this year’s eclipse in the form of a giant X over the nation. That is also quite striking. There are other, interesting facts connected to the Aug. 21 eclipse, and an Orthodox rabbi in Israel has pointed out in rabbinic literature, eclipses were signs of judgment (see Sukkah 29a in the Babylonian Talmud). Not only so, but the eclipse came at a dark time in our nation’s history, with deepening divisions on every front. READ MORE
