Though we do not want to think about it, and some will deny its existence, there is a worldwide phenomenon happening right now. It is ripping apart nations, communities, and even families. It’s called “identity politics.” It is dangerous. Those who engage in it are contributing to the destruction of our great nation. Those who promote it in government, the media and international relations are doing so for their own political and financial benefit. Why do I believe “identity politics” is so dangerous?

Well, Jesus Himself thought it threatening enough that He warned us that in the last days it would be prominent. He said, in the days just prior to His return, “… nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:7 NASB). To modern ears, those sound the same, but Jesus made an important distinction. “Kingdom against kingdom” means country against country. “Nation against nation” means people group against people group. People group can also mean “race” or “tribe.” Usually, these “people groups” identify with one another because of race, but people groups can identify with one another because of gender, language or many other things. READ MORE

