Are sanctuary cities becoming the law of the land in America? At least one analyst thinks so after a federal judge in Texas ruled that the Bexar County sheriff violated the constitutional rights of a Mexican citizen by holding him in jail on an immigration detainer after his criminal charges were dismissed.  The Bexar County Jail regularly honors ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) detainers, which are requests that local jails hold detainees who are set to be

released for an extra 48 hours if the detainees are suspected of being in the country illegally. The 48-hour period gives ICE agents time to get to the jail and apprehend any criminal aliens before they are released back onto the streets. However, Judge Orlando Garcia of San Antonio ruled the sheriff’s office does not have probable cause to hold onto aliens who are not suspected of any crime – other than the crime of illegal entry. He ruled the sheriff violated the plaintiff’s Fourth Amendment right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure.  READ MORE

