Our culture has become increasingly captivated by apocalyptic themes and storylines, with a plethora of popular TV shows and feature films embracing zombies, plagues and other terrifying end of days scenarios. But the idea of a future Armageddon-like scenario isn’t merely reserved for fictional entertainment plots, as the concept is deeply embedded in Christian theology, impacting the way believers have read and interpreted biblical scripture over the past two millennia.

In fact, many contemporary theologians and pastors believe they’re observing numerous signs in the current culture that mirror the supposedly prophetic contents of scriptures in Old and New Testament books like Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation. What has convinced these theologians and pastors that the end times could be ramping up? That’s a question I covered in-depth in my book, “The Armageddon Code,” through interviews with about 20 of the most prevalent eschatology experts. READ MORE
