North Korea has only recently emerged as a major threat to the Western world, but a noted kabbalist predicted 22 years ago that the rogue nation would become the nuclear key to the final war of Gog and Magog. Now that politics have shifted, revealing the prophetic nature of the rabbi’s words, another look reveals a deeper, Biblical understanding of the threat that faces us today. When Rabbi Levi Sa’adia Nachamanii gave a speech in 1994, one month before he died, he surprisingly warned that of all the threats to Israel, North Korea posed the most danger.

“Not Syria, not Persia (Iran), and not Babylon (Iraq), and not Gaddafi (Libya),” the rabbi said, naming Israel’s greatest threats at the time. “Korea will arrive here.”Rabbi Nachmani’s prediction was shocking for many reasons. He had accurately predicted the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, giving credence to his prediction, but it was inconceivable that the threats he mentioned, all posing the greatest dangers to Israel at the time, would vanish. As time has shown, that is precisely what has happened since the rabbi made his speech. READ MORE

