(By Jennifer Leclaire) There are many myths circulating the body of Christ about angels these days. You can trace the root of most of them back to the New Age movement and various false religions, as well as pop culture’s influence on society and the church. But there’s one troubling heresy about angels that is rising rapidly in this hour. Although it’s nothing particularly new—like Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9)—what I am seeing and hearing in some camps in Christendom is disturbing.

I have seen this for a long time, but with the rollout of my new book, Releasing the Angels of Abundant Harvest, I once again notice how many sincere believers have been taught wrong ideas about the ministry of angels. The best way to combat darkness is with light. In other words, the best way to dispel error is with absolute Bible-based truth and scriptural proof. With that in mind, I want to explore the subject of angel worship from both sides of heaven. READ MORE
