(Reported By Jessilyn Justice) Former New Age blogger Steven Bancarz says the new world order Daniel predicted is alive—in the occult realm. Bancarz identified a type of awakening where a person realizes the evil he or she is part of:

The fourth awakening is realizing that a false peace, a New World order and one world government/religion under spiritual idolatry and a reemergence of the mystery school beliefs and practices of Babylon [were] predicted in the book of Daniel and Revelation thousands of years ago. That Jesus warned of this specifically.

There are many people who don’t mess with New Age beliefs because they know that it’s the exact same stuff the Illuminati (Illuminated ones) and Masons believe. The New Age is the religion of the New World order, it’s the religion of the Illuminati, the religion of the Masons. It starts with ancient Egypt, then Babylon, then up through the ages with mysticism and theosophy, and it gets mishmashed together and diluted a little bit to give us the religion of the New Age. CONTINUE
