According to reports, Volkswagen just unveiled its first self-driving electric car at the prestigious Geneva International Motor Show last week, giving us a glimpse into the futuristic concepts in early stage development at the German automobile giant. This concept car ‘Sedric’ (which stands for SElf-DRIving Car) is reportedly the company’s first

completely autonomous vehicle, which means it requires no human supervision.  The reports indicate that Potential passengers can hail or call for the electrically powered vehicle through an app or remote control, with users relaying the desired destination via a voice-controlled interface. This will leave the passengers of the vehicle to sleep, play board games or even watch television without worrying about controlling the vehicle.

In the summer of 1933, a man by the name of William Branham that was a very controversial man who many deemed a prophet of God that had a series of visions of which he prophesied would take place before the coming of the Lord. The Lord spoke to him, saying that the Coming of the Lord was drawing nigh, but before that takes place and seven things would happen prior to his return. One of the seven visions which Braham saw was his fourth vision which he was shown the great advances in science that would come after the second world war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.
