(Reported By Michael Snyder)   ATTENTION: The following report does not reflect the opinions or views of End Time Headlines.

Four out of the five major events named in an incredible 1981 prophecy have already happened in consecutive order, and the only thing remaining to be fulfilled is “the collapse of the economic system of the United States”. On Friday, I logged into Facebook and I discovered that someone had sent me a message about a website that I had never heard about. I had a few spare minutes so I went and checked the website out and to be honest it was very poorly designed and so I only spent a moment looking at it before I moved on.

Sadly, this is how things work on the Internet – if something does not capture our interest immediately we don’t have the patience to keep reading. But later I learned that this website contained a very old prophecy about the death of Fidel Castro which has very alarming implications for our near future. For many years, my wife and I have been studying the dreams and visions that God has been giving to people all over the world about the future of America. Sometimes these dreams and visions are given to individuals that are very well known, and other times they are given to those that nobody really knows about. FULL REPORT
