According to a new report, The average temperature of Earth is rising at a pace “unprecedented in 1,000 years,” which could put at stake the international effort to reduce global warming set out in the landmark 2015 Paris climate accord, a top NASA climatologist has warned.  “In the last 30 years we’ve really moved into exceptional territory,” Gavin Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told the Guardian. “It’s unprecedented in 1,000 years. There’s no period that has the trend seen in the 20th century in terms of the inclination [of temperatures].”

This year, the average temperature around the world reached 1.38C above levels observed in the 19th century, which is dangerously close to the 1.5C standard set out in the UN-brokered Paris Agreement on climate change. July was the warmest month since 1880, according to the newspaper, and each month since last October has set a new warming record. But new NASA data suggests that warming levels experienced throughout recent decades are higher as compared to any period over the past millennium. READ MORE
