Mr. Adnan Oktar, prominent Muslim opinion leader from Turkey, welcomed a delegation of rabbis and politicians from Israel for the iftar dinner he hosted in Istanbul on June 22, 2016. Rabbi Dov Lipman, a top officer from the World Zionist Organization, was among those attending the dinner, along with many Muslim, Jewish and Christian representatives. Following his visit to Istanbul, Rabbi Lipman noted that he was very pleased with the friendship and goodwill blessings he received in Turkey, and the previous negative image about Turkey in his mind had completely changed.

Mr. Oktar’s guests from Israel also appeared on his live program on the A9 television channel, and applauded Mr. Oktar’s unwavering efforts to end anti-Jewish sentiment in Turkey. The program saw important statements on relations between Israel and Turkey, peace in the region and the world, and in particular on the friendship between Muslims and Jews. FULL REPORT
