The United Church of Christ caused a stir when its social-media associate wrote a post for the church’s blog recently that listed “10 ways you can actively reject your white privilege.” Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, was horrified that a mainline Protestant church would post something like that online.

“It’s wrong for the church to be doing this,” Peterson told WND. “I mean, the church, and this church in particular, has become a secular church. It’s not about God. It’s not about love. It’s not about salvation. It’s not about forgiveness and overcoming sin. It’s about hating white people and making them feel guilty.” In addition to being a UCC social media associate, Marchae Grair, who authored the post, is the editor of New Sacred, the UCC blog at which she published her post. She began thus: READ MORE

