(Written by Michael Brown) I know that many of you not only are hurting today, but you are also angry. And your anger is not just directed at the Muslim terrorist who slaughtered so many of your people. You are also angry with Christians like me, believing that we have helped to create the toxic, hateful atmosphere that led to the horrific massacre.

A gay activist in Charlotte, North Carolina, with whom I’ve shared meals and interacted many times, expressed his anger toward what he called the “sanctimonious (expletive)” of conservative Christian leaders, saying, “You helped cause this massacre. Your anti-LGBTQ theology assisted in helping others, including the Orlando shooter, in seeing each of our precious LGBTQ lives as dispensable and worthy of death. … (Expletive) your prayers and your chaplains. How ’bout you stop your anti-queer theology that supports our death and despair, huh?” READ MORE
