(Lisa Renfrow) These are four lessons, gems of wisdom, which I learned over the last twenty-plus years of serving and loving Jesus under Pastors Steve and Kathy Gray.

1. People are our treasures.

Of the things on this earth, people are the only things that we will see in heaven. Our family, our friends, our children — we cannot leave them behind in pursuit of a spiritual experience with God. While the experience may be good, it is even better if you can share that experience with those you love. Getting into the presence of God with your friends, spouse, or children means so much. To share a moment in the presence of God can change a life or relationship forever, making it tighter, closer.


We can pray together, read the Word together, worship together, and teach the little ones to honor God. This is a body movement; we are in a body movement. The depth and height we can go with God depends on how deep and high we can go as a body, and that includes all of us from the oldest to the youngest. READ MORE