(Shane Idleman) Southern California corporate executive for the fastest-growing fitness company in the world in the mid-1990s, I had the opportunity to experience the devastating effects of life in the fast lane without rules or boundaries. As a result, I often went with the flow of society and focused on everything that the world had to offer. Throughout my 20s, I continued to run from God, searching for identity and truth in everything but His Word. By age 28, I had climbed the corporate ladder. Money and success became my gods and ultimately controlled my life. I was driven but for the wrong reasons. I felt a sense of purpose, but it often left me empty. I was passionate but for the wrong things.

Strength, to me, was bench-pressing over 400 pounds, drinking a 12-pack of beer and winning most of the fights that I was in. What I failed to realize was that I was weak. I was dying spiritually. I didn’t have control of my life—my life had control of me. As a result of my misguided focus, my life took several unnecessary turns for the worse. By then, alcohol, anger and arrogance had taken their toll. My life was crumbling around me. READ MORE
