Perhaps our greatest need in the New Year is to get into God’s Word. This past year, many people have shared their opinions, but now God wants to speak. Finance, fitness, and food goals are important, but no goal is more important than sitting before God with an open Bible and a humble, teachable heart. This is the posture a Christian is to assume their entire life. Salvation may happen in a single moment of belief, but learning to live as a Christian and fully follow Jesus is the adventure of a lifetime.

We continually learn to follow Jesus through His Word, the Bible. RA Torrey, a close associate of DL Moody, once said (emphasis added): Christians who pray for power but neglect the Bible abound in the Church. But the power that belongs to God is stored up in the great reservoir of His own Word, the Bible. DL Moody himself had much to say about the Bible, and was always pointing his hearers back to the Word: CONTINUE
