One would assume believing in God would be a prerequisite for any person who calls themself a minister. However, at least in the case of self-proclaimed atheist Reverend Gretta Vosper, this requirement has become more of a suggestion. Read on to learn more about this atheist minister and the congregation that supports her: Reverend Gretta Vosper is a Canadian minister at West Hill United Church of Canada in Scarborough. She calls herself an atheist but doesn’t believe that fact should disqualify her from serving as a minister. Instead of a supernatural God, Vosper preaches about kindness, love and the human connection.

Vosper has been an outspoken voice within the movement towards downplaying the Bible and Jesus in the United Church. Under the guidance of Vosper, West Hill moved further and further away from traditional values. Spokesperson Andrea DiPede explains: “We have moved away from language that references God in order to create an environment without barriers to participation. The services are themed around love, justice, compassion, care, responsibility and living in a right relationship with ourselves.”  READ MORE

