Scientists have discovered how to make old human cells young again through rejuvenation. It’s an exciting discovery that could change the way humans age. Researchers at the University of Exeter and University of Brighton found they could rejuvenate senescent cells, cells that had stopped their natural growth cycle, causing them to start to divide again. The experiment found they not only look younger, but also behave like younger cells. “When I saw some of the cells in the culture dish rejuvenating I

couldn’t believe it. These old cells were looking like young cells. It was like magic,” researcher Dr. Eva Latorre said. “I repeated the experiments several times and in each case the cells rejuvenated. I am very excited by the implications and potential for this research.” The research builds on earlier findings that showed ‘splicing factor’ genes switch off as humans age. Scientists found a way to restart the splicing through chemicals. READ MORE
