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A World renowned doctor has revealed to the world what it is like to die and says the process is “peaceful” and “pleasant”. Dr Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at NYU Langone School of Medicine in New York City, said dying is “very comfortable”. And the doctor said people who have had a near-death experience sometimes describe encounters with deceased relatives but insists the sensation is not evidence of the afterlife. Regarding the physical process, Dr Parnia told a

recent Oz Talk: “Death is a process, it is not a black and white moment. “The final result is we have a deduction of oxygen that gets inside the brain when we are about to die and that causes our brain circuits to shut down and we become unconscious to the outside world. “When the heart stops, all life processes go out because there is no blood getting to the brain, to the kidneys, and liver and we become lifeless and motionless and that is the time that doctors use to give us a time of death.”  READ MORE
