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Alarm bells are ringing in Pakistan after a man who claims to have “extrasensory perception” sent a letter to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi predicting a cataclysmic tsunami by the end of 2017. In his letter sent in September, Babu Kalayil warned a devastating earthquake could shake the Indian Ocean in December and trigger a massive tsunami which would affect seven Asian countries, including Pakistan and India. And while Indian media may have laughed off his warning, it seems the Government

are not taking his letter lightly – as officials have started preparations to deal with a potential natural disaster. Mr Kalayil wrote: “In the Indian Ocean there is an earthquake expecting before 31 December 2017. “This vigorous earthquake can be shared the entire coast of the Asian continental areas. Moreover this the effect will even replace the boundary of the seashore.” The letter went on to warn that 11 Asian nations could be affected by the quake, including China, India, Japan, Nepal, Indonesia and Afghanistan, READ MORE
