The Syrian army has warned of “dangerous consequences” following an airstrike by Israel on a regime SA-5 anti-aircraft battery east of the capital of Damascus after it fired a surface-to-air missile at Israeli jets.  Syria’s SANA state news agency reported that the Assad regime “warned of the dangerous repercussions of Israel’s repeated aggression attempts, stressing Syria’s determination to continue its war against the terrorist groups, Israel’s arm in the region.” According SANA, the Syrian air defense “directly hit one of the jets, forcing the enemy to retreat,” contradicting Israeli military claims that all

planes had returned safely from the operation. The SA-5 missile battery, which was stationed some 50 kilometers east of the Syrian capital, fired at Israeli jets that were on a routine aerial reconnaissance flight in Lebanese airspace, IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis stated. Israel believes that the Syrians fired towards the Israeli jets at 10 a.m. Monday morning after thinking that they intended to attack. All Israeli aircraft returned to base safely and a few hours later responded by launching four bombs towards the same battery, destroying it. READ MORE
