Hackers can target almost any smart device around the world thanks to a vulnerability in WPA2 Wi-Fi security. Apple iOS, Windows, Android and any smart device that uses Wi-Fi are all at risk of an attack, cybersecurity experts have warned today. The newly discovered KRACK exploit affects the WPA2 security protocol, a standard for Wi-Fi security used on almost every Wi-Fi router. In theory it allows a

hacker within range of a Wi-Fi network to read passwords, credit card numbers and photos sent over the internet.   Other sensitive information that can be obtained thanks to this exploit is chat app messages and e-mails. The WPA2 Wi-Fi vulnerability has been a closely guarded secret for weeks, with today’s revelations a co-ordinated disclosure. The terrifying exploit was unearthed by researchers led by Mathy Vanhoef from the Belgian university KU Leuven. READ MORE
