Former Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann took to the stage at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. and delivered a stern warning about the toll political correctness has taken on faith in the United States and the dangers that lie ahead should the American people continue to turn away from the Bible.  Citing a sobering report from the American Culture & Faith Institute about the changing core beliefs and behaviors of millennials as compared to previous generations, Bachmann told the crowd that

the percentage of people who hold a “biblical worldview” has been in a precipitous decline. Today, just 4 percent of millennials claim to have such a viewpoint. “You see, we are dropping like a rock in America. America, the country that has sent out more missionaries for the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally than any other nation,” Bachmann lamented. “We are looking at faithful generations. Now with millennials, 4 percent holding to a biblical worldview. That is something that should give us pause.” FULL REPORT
