(By Kelly Mcdonald Jr) The Feast of Atonement is the last of the 10 days of awe. This year, it begins Sept. 29 at sunset. It is also called Yom Kippur, or the Day of the Covering. In ancient times, the sins of the nation of Israel were covered by sacrifices on this day. This is described in Leviticus 16. Two goats, in particular, were of special focus in this chapter. The first goat was called the Lord’s goat. It was sacrificed for the sins and uncleanness of the nation. The second goat was called the azazel goat. It had all the sins of the nation

confessed over it and was then chased into the desert. In latter times, they chased this goat off a cliff. These goats have prophetic meanings, one of which has yet to come to pass. The first goat represents the sacrifice of Jesus to pay for our sins. This goat had its blood put on the ark of the covenant and the altar of incense in the Temple. Jesus took His blood into heaven to apply it to the heavenly ark of the covenant and altar of incense. His blood makes a way for us to receive salvation and reconciliation to the Father. The book of Hebrews, especially chapters 9 and 10, explains this. READ MORE
