With Bible prophecies of the end times appearing to come to pass before our very eyes, there’s a big one many wonder about. Is the Antichrist alive? Who is he? What is he doing? A reader had a similar question for famed evangelist Billy Graham: “Is the Antichrist alive today? I’m not sure I know what the Antichrist is, but the world is in such a mess that I sometimes wonder if we’re already living in the last days.” Here’s what Graham had to say:

The Bible refers to the Antichrist as an evil person of great spiritual power who will appear at the end of the present age (just before Christ returns to establish His kingdom, as He promised). The Bible says that shortly before Christ comes again, “the man of sin is revealed … who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God” (2 Thess. 2:3-4).  READ MORE
