Faith in America, a pro-LGBT organization which will be protesting at the annual gathering of the Southern Baptist Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, next week, recently announced that they will be lobbying for the nation’s largest Protestant body to remove homosexuality and transgenderism from their “sin list.” “Ultimately, we at FIA believe LGBT people should be removed from the sin list. We know interpretations and new revelations come to light. We believe the

Church will one day stop diminishing the lives of those who are LGBT and we strive to help this come to pass,” the organization said in a release. “We are optimistic people and see the glass 75% full! We appreciate and respect how the SBC has changed teachings and interpretations based on new, important information. We applaud how in 1995 the SBC issued a formal apology to People of Color for their role in the inhuman practices of slavery and segregation.” READ MORE

