A couple of Internet postings in the past few days have attacked the Ark Encounter, the massive reproduction in Kentucky of the biblical Noah’s Ark, blasting it for failing as an enterprise, for taking tax money, for not doing enough for the local government, for making money, for not “helping the sick, dying and impoverished,” and a whole lot more. Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, which created the Ark Encounter, doesn’t spend a lot of time worrying about such

detractors. “Had to laugh,” he said in a posting on Facebook. “This false piece of fiction published Saturday when 7,500 visited the Ark Encounter (and over 10,000 at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum) – numbers continue to grow as visitors from all over the world come to northern Kentucky.” The “piece of fiction” to which he referred was from Nationalmemo.com, but there were several similar ones that appeared at about the same time. READ MORE
