Some of the most important names associated with the push for limited government at America’s founding have been shoved out of history, contends Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who added that the effort has coincided with an expanding federal government.  Lee, who recently was elected to a second term in the U.S. Senate, is author of “Written Out of History: The Forgotten Founders Who Fought Big Government,” which he said is designed to give adults and children a better idea of

the vision of the nation’s Founding Fathers. Lee told WND and Radio America limited government isn’t some anachronistic vestige of the colonial era but the fundamental premise of the U.S. system of government. “It’s very important for parents to emphasize to their children at a young age that that’s the whole reason why we have a Constitution, is to limit the power of government,” Lee said. “Those limits need to mean something, but they can only be meaningful if we recognize them, enforce them and talk about them.” READ MORE

