(By Shane Idleman) “The church is physically alive, but spiritually dead.”  I recently referred to a true story. A young girl, devastated by the choice her father made to leave her family for a younger woman, had a nightmare following his announcement. She dreamed that she, her mother and her sister all died in a horrific car accident. When she told her dad about the dream, he sympathetically replied, “I’m really sorry to hear that. I’m glad it was only a dream.” Her response was shattering, “Dad, right before we hit, through the window I saw that you were driving the other car.”

Fortunately, this man broke. He repented and worked to restore his marriage. Some of you reading this—men and women—wake up. Is this what you are doing to your family? Others reading this might ask this as well. Perhaps it’s not an affair but selfish pride that makes you difficult to live with. Sadly, it is this very thing, pride and spiritual blindness, that prevent us from seeing. We are alive but spiritually dead.  READ MORE
