A school district in Michigan has canceled a Bible course offered at a church during students’ lunchtime hour, prompting outcry from local parents.  Fremont Public Schools recently put an end to the Release Time Bible Study program offered at Pathfinder Elementary School and Daisy Brook Elementary School.  Fremont Superintendent Ken Haggart provided comments to The Christian Post on Friday explaining that the class had been offered for about 10 years.

Haggart noted that the Michigan Association of Civil Rights Activists first protested the class two years ago when it was being held on school grounds. “It was being run on campus, and at that time we learned that it needed to be run off campus and transportation taken care of by parents and local churches,” said Haggart. “About a week ago, we were again contacted by MACRA and told that someone had filed a complaint about the fliers that were given to parents announcing the Release Time programming, and the distribution process used to deliver the fliers.” FULL REPORT

