(By Grant Berry) Recently, when Hali and I were in Israel with one of our dear pastor friends, Pastor Hatim Jiryus, He asked me to share The Reconnection with some of our Arab-Israeli brethren living In the Galilee. The Holy Spirit led me to these verses in Ezekiel 37 where God directs His prophet to prophesy to the House of Israel. Here is some of what I shared, and you can click on the link at the end of this article to listen to the message for more detail. Ezekiel 37:1-14

When reading and meditating on these Scriptures, there are certain key points that stand out to me. First, God asks Ezekiel to prophecy with three separate phases and directives:

-To the dry bones to form flesh and bone and sinew; to come to life.
-To call on the four winds to release the breath (the Holy Spirit) into the Jewish people.
-To declare the resurrection of the body.


I see these three separate commands from God as strategic to our current understanding of Israel’s physical and spiritual restoration, that perhaps the division of them may actually help us to understand and process where we are in God’s timetable to reveal His end-time plans to us. MORE