In case you haven’t heard about this story that is circulating the web, Lance Wallnau claims an “anointed cake” baked by hookers was responsible for transforming a gay bar owner straight. Wallnau who is an evangelist from Dallas, reportedly responded to a viewer’s request for deliverance for her gay son.  Wallnau, who has 200,000 Facebook followers, said last week that he heard a story about the gay and “very adamantly anti-Christian” man who owned the bar. According to Wallnau’s testimony, the bar was frequently visited by reformed hookers, who decided to bake a cake for the owner. “They basically prayed over the cake,” he said. “It was an anointed cake.”

Excerpt From the New York Post:
Before the owner could finish eating the cake, he had undergone a transformative experience. “The power of God hit him while he was eating the cake,” Wallnau said. The pastor told viewers that the man was baptized and ultimately the “spirit that was working him got broken off.” However, he admitted that an anointed cake might not be the answer for everyone. “This is crazy,” he said. “Now, I’m not saying this is going to work for you.”
