Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) spoke about the UN’s latest anti-Israel resolution on Saturday night. “We’re about to go from retreat to sovereignty. Thousands of terrorists the world over are looking at the UN’s decision. They see it as a call to arms. This decision is a direct result of Oslo’s policy of surrender, retreat, and divisions. It’s a result of public agreement to create a Palestinian state in our country’s heartland. This resolution will be thrown into history’s garbage can, just like its predecessors,” Bennett said.

“We have not gained honor and love by retreating, but shame and international pressure to surrender even more. This is the time to make a 180 degree turn. It’s time to go from retreat to sovereignty,” he emphasized. “The conclusion needs to be that we will no longer agree to suicide through creating a Palestinian state, and we will work to apply Israeli law in Ma’ale Adumim, in the Jordan Valley, in Ofra, and in all of Area C as soon as possible.” READ MORE
