(By Kyle Winkler) For victory in any battle, it’s vital to know who the enemy is and why they’re after you. It’s the same in our spiritual battles. Obviously, we know that Satan is our greatest adversary. But did you know he’s not after you just for the fun of it? No, Satan hates you for at least several reasons of which you need to be aware.

1. Satan hates you because you remind him of who he can’t be. At creation, when God spoke people into existence, He said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). What this describes is astonishing: You and I resemble God. Sure, because of sin, we’re a very distorted image, but we bear His qualities, nonetheless. This means that when Satan sees you and I, he gets a potent reminder of God and who he can never be. The devil is tremendously jealous of this. As I explore much more in depth in my book, Silence Satan, this is precisely why he uses accusations to convince you that you’re worthless. CONTINUE
