The Obama administration on Wednesday threatened North Carolina over the state’s newly adopted House Bill 2, which protects women and children from being exposed to men in restrooms and locker rooms, by alleging the law violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act. But lawyers who are expert on the issue said enough is enough, and the feds should quit their bullying.

“North Carolina’s bathroom privacy law, HB2, fully complies with federal law,” said Kellie Fiedorek, a legal counsel for the powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom, which specializes in civil and religious rights. “It’s absurd to assert, as the Department of Justice does, that by placing the word ‘sex’ in federal nondiscrimination laws, Congress intended to force states to open their restrooms to people of the opposite biological sex,” Fiedorek continued. “Gov. McCrory and the state of North Carolina are fulfilling their duty to protect the privacy rights of their citizens. READ MORE

