(Written By J.L Robb) “Earthquakes have been used distinctively by God to highlight some of the most important events of the Bible. The three main purposes for biblical earthquakes are judgment, deliverance, and communication. The lesson is obvious–God does not do anything really big without emphasizing it with an earthquake! In our fast-paced, man-centered, technology-based society of the twenty-first century, God would have us pause and consider His sovereign nature and the program He has been accomplishing in the world.” Steven A. Austin, PhD.

The Bible is full of earthquakes, and studies of the floor of the Dead Sea show a 4,000-year history of significant earthquake events in Israel. The last days described in the Book of Revelation claim there will be a couple of other significant earthquake events, the last of which is described as the greatest earthquake in Earth’s history. There appears to also be a volcano event somewhere on the horizon. READ MORE
