(Michael Snyder) Is it just a coincidence that reproductions of the 48-foot-tall arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria are going to be put up in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London exactly 13 days before Baal’s biggest day of the year?

In the occult world, 13 is the number of rebellion, and these arches are going to be put on display precisely 13 days prior to the major occult holiday of Beltane on May 1. In a previous article, I explained that the chief god of ancient Babylon named Marduk eventually came to be known as “Baal” or “Bel” which both mean “Lord.” As worship of this ancient deity spread all over the globe, sometimes this language was retained, and this is definitely true when it comes to “Bel-tane” or “Baal-tein”.

Beltane can be translated as “Baal fire,” and even many Wiccans acknowledge that this festival has origins which can be traced all the way back to the Baal worship of the ancient Middle East. For example, the following comes directly from the website of a Wiccan named Lady Bridget: READ MORE
