Israel is often on the cutting edge of research and technology, so perhaps it is not surprising to hear that an Israeli company is developing a cure for cancer. Rehovot-based Biokine Therapeutics Ltd. seeks to do just that, with a “unique pipeline for the development of therapeutics targeting cancer and inflammation.” The company was founded in 2000 by Professor Amnon Peled, a leading cancer and stem cell biologist at Hadassah University Hospital. Today, he serves as the company’s CEO. The company employs four full-time scientists, three part-time technicians, and five part-time consultants.

Biokine focuses its research on “identifying novel molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate tumor development and metastasis”, according to its website. With 14 years of clinical R&D under its belt, the company has developed a suite of unique approaches to fighting cancer. It has discovered and developed several molecules, and is conducting preclinical and clinical trials on them in-house. READ MORE

