There are signs that Iran may be working toward an Electromagnetic Pulse strike on the United States. “Once Iran has a nuclear weapon, they are ready to launch an EMP attack against us,” former CIA Director James Woolsey told TheBlaze TV’s For the Record. “I think they have conducted launches of satellites of the type that you and in the direction you would want for an EMP attack.”

In addition to those tests, Woolsey says the Iranian military has laid the groundwork for a religious justification for an EMP strike. In 2010, a military textbook called “Passive Defense” was published, which included a section that outlined how an EMP strike would be compliant with Islamic law. “The deaths from electromagnetic pulse are all indirect,” said Woolsey. “They come from destroying the electricity grid, and thereby not being able to operate the other 17 infrastructures in the United States — food, water, finance. Everything else operates off electricity. And by not being able to operate those, you will have lots of people die of thirst, die of starvations, die of social disruption.” READ MORE
